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CMI cd-rom troubleshoot (Disk 2)

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Ok, yes, surely everyone around here is going to be amd at me because i havnt saw other post like this, but i have done. I had search for many other post with this problem and i havnt found a solution.


The problem is the following:


When i try to change to Disk 2, CMI dosnt load the disk. It just stay there, with the Plunder ISland Map and the ship sailing away, but it dosnt load anithing more. The cd rom reads the disk and everithing but it dosnt load anithing further than that. Whan i pull the disk out, CMI instantanly exits. I have tried various things, principaly, to try to copy the files of the game and to try to run it wihout disk, but it dosnt work. I have tried to run it on Scumm too, but it dosnt work either. Does someone have any solution for this? Thank you very much.

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Ok there is a problem, when i try to copy the files of the Disk 2 to the CMI file, the file named VOXDISK2.BUN refuses to copy. Its a very werid thing, and very hard to explain, but lets just say that it dosnt want to copy. Oh another thing, when i eject the disk 2 once i see that CMI aint going to load it, it appears a pretty werid sign that says something like "Room 52 isnt in room 52...=?" Something like that. I had this problem (that it dosnt want to load the disk 2) long time ago, and dont ask me what i did, but i remeber just try millions of time and it finally read it. But that dosnt work this time. I also wait the 10 seconds taht i saw on a post around here, but i still dosnt have any result. Please someone help me.

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Ok, the things are starting to work now (YAY) but not completly (YAY?) Now it dosnt get anymore stucked there in that part (i had to run the game like if i wanted to run it wihout CD's). but remeber that i said that teh file called VOXDISK2.bun dosnt copy? Well, there are no voices! Oh well, if someone can help me i would aprecieate it.

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Ok, another solution that dosnt work. I sstarted to think that the root of all this problems can be that the disk is too old (you know, scratchy and posibly corrupted) so i decided to copy it into a new CD. The things are the same, and i think its time to talk about the VOXDISK2.bun issue.


So the problem when i try to copy is this, when i want to copy, it freezes the explorer, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, when i try to copy that damn file the explorer freezes up. Now, the other solution to copy this (and in fact was the first one i think) is to copy them with the help of the CMI launcher. But, well, we reach another problem, when i try to run the launcher, the sound of ERROR of Windows is played, but there is no error sign or nothing. I beg for help again. Thank you very much.

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Ok, so y figured out, what would happen if i try to load some game out futher than the sjip sailing away in plunder island. But, naw, it says that i have to insert the disc 2 and when i insert it, guess, freeze again. Well in fact its not a completly freezy you know? Its like, i can keep moving the little "X" cursor but the game just dosnt load.

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Ok, never mind, i have founded the root of all evil.

The root of all this problem is that the disk is damaged, and thats why VOXDISK2.bun dosnt want to copy. I finally able to copy it (dont ask me how, it was a tremendous work) but, heh, when i get to the scene where everyone is on board of the ship the things start to put slower and slower and finally COMI finally freezes all up. Gee, i will have to buy the game again. Oh well. Thank you everyone, moderators, you can close this thread now, im sorry for the mess here.

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I guess if someone had tried to help you this would have been more than a one sided conversation. But as you've solved the problem (and I wont ask any question so you wont have to tell any lies) I may as well close this thread and just let you know for future referance that the "edit" button, here on these boards, is your friend. It's generally frowned upon to have multiple posts from the same user, one after another like that with no onther users posts in between. But you weren't exactly spamming so I'll let it go. Just next time, if you have anything to add, edit the previous post with your updates.

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