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SP Icarus Scripting Questions


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I want to make a script that when i load my level in SP when i spawn, i have certain weapons. I know this is done with scripting, i have behaved and i think i have it set up right.


but could someone tell me how to, in detail, make a script that determins weapons and this script executes when i start my level. mabey i have my folders mest up, or mabey im not doing something right in GTK, or mabey my script is just messed up, I DONT KNOW! I know this has been addressed in other posts, but it didnt work for me :(



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Target the info_playerstart to a target_scriptrunner. The scriptrunner should have the key "usescript" and value "[levelname]/[spawnscript_name]" That assumes you place your scripts in a subfolder named after your map in the scripts folder. That's always a good idea to keep things tidy and orderly.


There are some complications to the weaponry setting, so also have a look at the info_playerstart for the flags available there. For example if you want to start with only a blaster rifle, you can check the noweapons flag, and then just give the blaster in the spawnscript.


The script itself is simple. Just affect "player" and place the set_weapon commands under the affect.



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I must be retarted cause im still having trouble... take a look at my script, that may be prob



also whats the point of the spawnscript_name? why isnt it just name?





rem ( "sets weapons" );


affect ( "player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )






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That script looks ok to me. Your problem is probably elsewhere. Check the console to see if the game can't find the script. And recheck the entities and targeting.


And I don't really care what you name your scripts. You can name them after your neighbour's dead cats, for all I care. That was just an example. Just be sure not to include spaces in the names. Thus, use the underscore_.

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