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Basically in a nutshell you arrive on Onderon, there is a military blockade and quarantine in effect so movement in and around Iziz is basically restricted. There are two major powers on the planet, a woman named Talia who is the queen of Onderon and General Vaklu, the leader of the military who wants to overthrow the queen and take control. You must decide who to help.


Whatever side you take however you need to get into the palace to contact Jedi Master Kavar. The palace because of the quarantine and blockade is off limits. However you find there is a man named Dhagon Ghent that can contact Kavar and set up a meeting with him. Unfortunately there is a slight problem with that. When you reach his medical facility a citizen tells you that Dhagon has been arrested for a murder of an Onderon officer that he didnt commit. You have to prove his innocence otherwise he will be executed.


Talk to Captain Riiken and chat with the people in the cantina to solve this quest. You eventually find out that a servant droid recorded the whole incident, it doesnt prove who commited the murder but it does prove it wasnt Dhagon as he was coming from the wrong direction at the time. You can get his head from a droid vendor and a slicer in the cantina plays the recording for you. Then you and one of Dhagons buddies goes to Captian Riiken and shows him and the Onderon Major the recording and Dhagon is released.


Once he is released he reveals that a beast rider gang stole his encrypted holodisks he needs to communicate with his contacts in the palace. He tells you to talk to the leader Bakkel and buy the disks back, obviously she wants no part of it and you must kill her and her gang. Once you get the disks back to him, he sets up the meeting with Kavar at the Cantina, but before anything important can be said, Colonel Tobin arrives with some of General Vaklu's troops and you and Kavar must make a hasty retreat back to Mandalores shuttle to go back to Dxun and return to Onderon another day.



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