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Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer/MC-104 Odysseus-class Star Defender


MC-104 Odysseus-class Star Defender/Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer in-game?  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. MC-104 Odysseus-class Star Defender/Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer in-game?

    • Yes: Both in-game
    • Yes: MC-104 Odysseus-class Star Defender In-game
    • Yes: Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer In-game
    • No: Neither (I'll provide my comments as to why not.)

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Hi Everyone.


This Thread is essentially for both, those whom can create Models for EAW (Version 1.4), and those whom agree with/wish to see both, the Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer and an MC-104 Odysseus-class Star Defender in-game.


I feel the Rebellion could use a non-canon oponent to the Empire's Super Star Destroyer in-terms of both size and power.


Please vote on the Poll and provide any comments/suggestions.


Model/Mod. creators are most welcome!


MC-104 Odysseus-class Star Defender



Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer


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Well I dont know all things not in the movies were not cannon at some point. My issue is the super duper gun or ship with the billion turbo lasers that Luke built with Force construction stuff. As long as it is some what normal I dont have a problem with it. Now that MC-104 is a pipe dream sure the Rebels would have wanted one but actually building one is impossible but hay were suppose to be able to write our own history here right? so why not I guess. As long as the Empire gets sweet fighters I say let the Rebels have sweet capital ships as well. For the Rebel who wants to fight like the Empire??? Its just a game right?

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Hmmm..I have to echo some of the sentiments that have been spoken already, and say that I'm not too thrilled at a ship like the Odysseus-class. I think a ship should at LEAST make an EU appearance. In fact, the Sovereign is totally fine, as it IS a canon ship. The Sovereign-class was designed to be a version of the Eclipse-class that could be produced in greater numbers. The Eclipse-class is now going to make an actual appearance in a Lucasarts licensed product, so I'd say that's totally cool.


The Galactic Alliance's 'Super Ship', aside from the Mon Mothma-spec Interdiction Star Destroyers and MC-90 Defiance-class Cruisers and Mediator Battlecruisers, is supposed to be the Viscount-Strident Star Defender. While the MC-104, clearly a fan-imagined super-ship, isn't a great idea, I WOULD love to see the Viscount-Strident really be fully recognized as a powerful ship that can trade volleys with SSDs

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does'nt SSSD have a Axil Super laser like the Eclipse?

I'm assuming the axial superlaser on the Sovereign can be replicated by utilizing either, the Accuser's Proton Beam weapon, or (even more ideal) the Death Star's superlaser.




Will someone PLEASE help me find someone whom can convert the Odysseus' .OPT format to Empire at War's .ALO format?


I am begging for this.

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thats the Help Im asking for but I can only help you convert the .OPT (X-wing alliance format) to .3DS if thats ok.

Hi magna madaloe.




I can help you with your conversion issue, as well. First you must post your request/needs in the other Forums so that ArucarD and Roskov can see it and respond with the help you need.


PS. Here is the model's download at XWA OPT Downloads and Projects.


Please take your time with this. There isn't a rush. When you have completed the conversion, please let me know here and I will inform ArucarD.


Thanks so much!

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Pucho give me a while to finish skining the odyssuess.

Hi There.


Thank you so very much, magna mandaloe!


Please take your time for the best results in-game. I'm very much looking forward to your completion, however!


Let me know here when you are finished.

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Ok I completed the model this will be the First ship of my EM 4.6 :D


Hi magna madaloe.




I am so very ecstatic!


Before I inform ArucarD and provide him the model, can you post a picture of it here?


Thank you SO very much!

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Yes but Remember Im giving you Permission to use both MC-104 and MC-90 Because the will share the model that will be used int Enhancement mod it this OK with you?

Hi magna mandaloe.


Absolutely! It would be unfair, uncivilized, immoral, and evil not to do so! I am none of that.


I look forward to seeing the image of the model, if you can provide it.


PS. Have you checked your Private Messages yet. I had sent you one last night.


Thanks again.

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