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At the Surprise from Endor mission,how can you tell your troops to shoot at a trap?I have the stratagy guide and it says that the curser should turn yellow but it doesnt.Example:first trap wich is a tree.It just reads it as yet another tree?Am I doing something wrong?Am I supposed to be at a special posion?

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Guest Wraith 5

If it is the first trap you are haveing problems with, that is and anything trap, it is just a tree that falls over. (There are really 3 types of traps, the infantry, or the rope one, the vehicle, or the log one, and the anything, or the falling tree.)


but what K_K says is right...


select some or all of your trops (for the falling tree best to use at-st and at-pt, they have better range) and right click on the tree.


The only wrong with what K_K said (sorry K_K no offience) Is that the cursor will not turn red, it turn yellow.


But what he said about moving the cursor over the trees is right, and a very effective way of finding the traps.



I don't have to blow every thing up...

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Guest Wraith 5



As the trap been sprung????


I have heard of this problem and i am trying to find the solution to it. I know I have seen the solution to this some where...


The only thing i can suggest for now is to sacrufices one of your units to the tree. The rest i think you can get around...


You will be the second one to know if i find the answer some where... (after me of coures wink.gif)


Also are you sure that you are moving the cursor over one of the traps??? If you are just over a normal tree, the cursor will not change.



I don't have to blow every thing up...

I just like to.

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Guest Wraith 5

This was really quick but i may have found something...


Have you installed the 1.1v patch???


If not, go to <A HREF="http://"http://support.lucasarts.com"" TARGET=_blank>support.lucasarts.com</A> and install it, this may help...

<font size=-20 color=gray>


[This message has been edited by Wraith 5 (edited October 11, 2000).]

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Guest Wraith 5

OK so you have the patch and it still doesn't work???


now can you select any of the traps, or is it just the falling trees you can't get???



I don't have to blow every thing up...

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Guest Wraith 5

SlasherX thanks for remending me there were cheats...


Now i have an idea....


JR if you haven't already unistalled FC... DON'T!!! When i get home, i will use the cheats and get to that level and see if it does the samething on mine, and if there is something else specil you have to do.


(I have already finished the game but my computer crashed and i lost everything frown.gif)



I don't have to blow every thing up...

I just like to.

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Guest Wraith 5

OK JR here is what i found...


When you select the traps they are not boxed in like other targets, all that happens is your cursor turns to a yellow trageting cursor instead of the green or red moving arrow. if you click on a trap when the cursor is like this it will still not box in, all that will happen is that a little icon in the leader box will show up...


This is what is suppoed to happen, if it doesn't, then i can only see 3 problems...


One, your cursor is not over one of the traps...


Two, the trap as been sprang already in which case it will no long be avalible for selecting becuase it is basicly destroyed...


and three, something got installed wrong, contact LA or reinstall the game.

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