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KOTOR II Save with every item?

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I'm looking for an KOTOR II AR Xbox save with simply......every item in the game.


I've looked high and low, but only found saves with extremely high stats, all feats and powers, tons of modded items, and tons of exp. None of which I want. Except for maybe SOME of those modded items.......


So any help, anyone?


P.S: I would really prefer him being male, and a sentinel if you're really nice :)

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I'm looking for an KOTOR II AR Xbox save with simply......every item in the game.


I've looked high and low, but only found saves with extremely high stats, all feats and powers, tons of modded items, and tons of exp. None of which I want. Except for maybe SOME of those modded items.......


So any help, anyone?


P.S: I would really prefer him being male, and a sentinel if you're really nice :)


Just give me a name and tell me which portrait you want,

It would also help if you could tell me if you want 99 Life supports,

construction kits, computer spikes, rockets, mines etc...

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Just give me a name and tell me which portrait you want,

It would also help if you could tell me if you want 99 Life supports,

construction kits, computer spikes, rockets, mines etc...


Wow, thanks!


Ummm.... name doesn't matter, portrait should be white and preferably with short hair.


And sure, I'll take the 99 of those items.


If it's not too much trouble, I'd also want 3 of each weapon and armor/robe, and about 10 of each lightsaber crystal. But this isn't that necessary.


I just want to try out every item in the game while having an enjoyable experience, with a character that isn't uber-strong.

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When the save is finished would you mind sharing it? Always like trying out new modded saves.


Who do you mean? DarthMyst or me? Either way it'll get posted on here, so don't worry.


Edit: Sorry for the double post, but if it's not too late, I've found a picture of the portrait I want. http://www.cavesites.com/pyric/swkotor2/images/male10.jpg

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