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kotor 1 brown skined heads


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It would be possible to reskin some of the K1 heads so they had at least the correct coloring. I'm not sure how well the models would lend themselves to it, but I think it would be fair to at least give it a shot.


I'll try to recolor a couple of the more suitable models tonight and see if they work out. If they do, I'll make a mod for them with full DS transitions.



I tried on two models so far, and I have five of each that I think might work...but see if these work for you. If they do, I'll make the mod, although I can't guarantee it'll get done very quickly, for various reasons.


Sorry the screen shots are so dark.



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yeh thats great thnks


if its not asking to much can you do one with spikey hair or gelled up in some way or one kinda like the male head in po_PMHH02


i realy appreaciate (if thats spelt correctly lol) what your doing and thnks aga


p.s. is there somwhere where i can learn how to do skins

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Hair can't be changed by simply retexturing, at least not in the way you want it done. To change hair to make it "spikey" you'd need to edit the actual head model using Taina's Replacer tool, but I'm not sure even that would work very well. The most you can do is move verts, you can't create anything new, and I don't think the top of the head models have enough verts to make very convincing spikes, I could be wrong though, I haven't looked at a head model in a long time, nor do I have much experience in that area of modeling.

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Sorry that K1 doesn't have any spikey haired head models--the closest is one of the white PC modeles, but he's really got more of a G.I. Joe thing going :)


Since you like these, I'll try to make five men and five women, although I can't guarantee it'll turn out looking OK for that many. I won't be able to do it quick due to a pending vacation, but I'll get it done.


As for learning how to do skins, the best I can say is to get a program capable of handling .tgas and fiddling with the skins alrady there. There's a thread in General tips and tools, IIRC, that has tools for that sort of thing. I think Taina's Replacer can be found in the tools section of starwarsknights.com.

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