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an idea for a force power


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well my mates and i are working on this story / game and on it our chars each hav special attacks based on the element they prefer


i'm wondering if there is a way of makeing a force power for each elementas show below


this shows element -preferd attacktype


light - works like a blster shot but instead of a blaster it shoots a phoenix made of light that does damage and stuns


shadow- engulphs the enemy in shadow and stuns for a while while giveing the caharter increased speed to attack rapidly ( i rekon stuning them with the classic stun thing surounding them but it is black insteadn of blue/ white)


earth- simply just created some sort of spike from the earth to skewer them (i think this can be done by a force hurricane effect but keeping them still while the spike comes up from the ground)


wind- this is justlike a force push but stuns them and then the same incrased speed thing as shadow


thunder and lightning- this is like force lightning but it lifts them like force crush and stuns them


technology- this is just a barrage of blaster shorts for a short period of time or (i recon this could be like a master version on kotor ) shoots a massive beam that does huge dammage


fire-the same as light but with a dragon and instead of stunning them it burns them


water/ice- this works like a beam of ice freazingthe nemy and then a blue blaster shot( to reprisent ice ) to be fired at them and shattering the ice


if some one can do any of these pls do there is also a full elemental attack but i'd rather have those first


full elemental- this is like fury but after the scream it creates a whight light arroundthe character and then beams of light in the color of each element are sent from the character to surroundin enemies lik below

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