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Juhani... (Possibly done, Not sure)


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I was just reading Wookiepedia and got this:


There is more to the romance which can be found in the .dlg file. However, this does not trigger, limiting the romance to the aforementioned confession.


As buggy as it is, has someone made a mod to fix the Juhani romance for BOTH genders, to improve reliability, and make the supposed 'extra' dialog trigger?

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I *think* it's been done...I know Allronix' Dialogue Pack v.2 restores a great deal of Juhani's dialogue, and IIRC, it restores her romance, but I could be wrong. It adds more dialogue for other characters, too, but since Juhani's romance was never meant to be for male characters, I don't believe the mod makes that possible, although since I'm not certain it restores the romance, I can't say for sure.


It's a good bet to try it, though, since it does restore a lot of Juhani's dialogue.


Anyway, you can get the dialogue pack here: http://www.lucasfiles.com/index.php?s=&action=file&id=1414&show=more

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I don't know where the wikipedia author got that information from; I've combed over Juhani's dialogue file myself before, and while there are some cut lines, none of them had anything to do with the supposed cut romance options.


If they do exist they might be still in the TLK file (along with the original E3 demo? o_O) But regardless, they're not just laying around in her dialogue file waiting to be restored.

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