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A few Questions


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I osted in the Xbox forums originally as I have the Console version of KOTOR2 but I think the PC version gets a lot more answers sorted so thought I'd have a go here.


I've done the Telos Missions and am currently on Onderon (nearing the end I think as I already met with the Jedi contact). I've always tried to balance the force rather than become a Light Master or Dark Master but wondered if there are any big bonus' for becomeing a light or dark master rather than trying to stay balanced? Obviously you pay less in power for using light powers if your are a light master and vice versa but is there anything else? In other words am I missing out on something critical but making dark and light decisions in order to stay neutral?


Also I heard mention you can actually train some of your characters up to become Jedi if you wanted? I only thought myself and Kreia would be able to use Jedi powers so what's that all about? I realise it depends on your influence with a character but is there any way to know how far influenced you are with someone or is it guess work? I realise the characters start off 50% influence with you and you can gauge how they stand with you depending on how many times you informed you have influenced them but my memories not good so that's no good to me lol.

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There is light side mastery or dark side mastery if you've moved as far as you can to either extreme. Basically become all good to gain LS mastery or all evil to have DS mastery. This will activate a bonus displayed on the character screen, which depends on your chosen class, sometimes a +3 to a stat or something similar...


You can turn most of your companions into jedi, though you do have to have to learn about their backgrounds or similar. And yes, it also depends on influence. Unfortunately the game has no way of telling you, but you can assume that they all start at 50 points (neutral) and gain or loss 8 points every time you gain or lose influence. In most cases you need to get about 90 points to make them like you enough to reveal all their secrets (which is not always turning jedi), meaning you generally need five influence gains (50+(5x8)=90) to "unlock" their secrets. However, you can apparently also insult them down to 10 points or so, and achieve them save by having them hate you... Never did that myself, though.


I won't say more than that, since it would otherwise be a major spoiler, but if you don't mind that, there are several influence guides that will tell you all about this.

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