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where do i......?


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where do i put the mods for kortor and tls for xbox i have moded xbox but i dont know where to ftp the mods to i heard somthing about you put it in some override folder where is that or how do i make one little help would be nice thx


Edit: ok sorry for double post but i really do not know what im doing here ok this is what i got so far a bunch of mods on my computer desktop and a modded xbox now what do i do i heard have to put game on hdd if so how do i do that i have heard put in tdata and in udata i need major help!

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I had also that problem (just yesterday), you'll have to make an override foler. Like what's mine: \E\games\d\override

(That "d" is what I use as KotOR II, but I'm not sure of will it work in KotOR I)




this does not help me i need to know where to put the mods on my xbox where to make my override folders if i need and override folder or what ever i need and how to copy tls to my hdd you just and basically learn how to mod kortor and tls for xbox i have a moded xbox but i dont know how to mod kortor and tls

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First, please do not create multiple threads on the same topic. I have merged it with your original thread.


Second, please realise that we really are primarily a PC modding forum around here and the little XBox modding info we have comes from the few brave souls who have done this themselves that browse these forums.


We do have a few limited threads about this topic around here, I hope these will help.





The second one talks about mods.


You could also send a Private message (PM) to those who posted in those threads who stated that they have done so with their XBox's and ask them what to do, like mjpb3. ;)

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no it told me the same thing ever bodys been telling me make an override folder but no one tells me where to put it everyone just says if you have not done so make an override folder OH WELL I GOT A QUESTION FOR YOU WHERE DO I MAKE IT! gee lazy people who make these tutorials but none of them telling me where to make an override folder telling me the same thing but cant tell me where to create the override folder

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We have what we have... Also those who make tutorials are not "lazy" they are done in peoples free time and they aren't paid to do them you know? Besides a truely "lazy" person wouldn't write a tutorial in the first place.


If you wish to know more and have no intrest in PM-ing someone and are in a hurry then I might suggest a Google/MSN/Yahoo search on the topic.


mjpb3 is a helpful person, a PM to her with your question might just net you what you are looking for.


I would tell you if I knew, but I don't have a modded XBox.

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  • 1 month later...

Revans disciple answered what you are asking in his first post.

You place the overide folder in the game main directory on ur xbox hard drive whice is usually "E:\Games\KotOR II" or something like that.


To do that you have to have copied the game disc to your hard drive.



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