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The best one would be a very large game


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I would prefer a very large game. I every other Monkey Island, its finish after only 4 Acts. Every time I finished a game, i was very sad, that its already over. At least it takes me so much time to forget the games befor i can restart a game the second time. But please let such seqences out like Monkey Combat. I think its not the styl of Guybrush. And Guybrush should be more sure of himself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think your right, it should be very long and Lucas Arts should try to keep the fun going all the way through. I think it was good how they made that combination thing so it made it harder to make walk-throughs. I think there trying to stop the idea of walk-throughs alltogether

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Banditboy... the US version of the game came with a walkthrough straight from LEC themselves tongue.gif


& they should only make a large game if they have the storyline to justify its length... there is no point making hundreds of islands available if only 3 are needed for the storyline... the game looses focus & becomes boring...


take note that Curse & Escape both featured less islands as the stories didn't have the depth to warrant as many islands as Monkey 2's four islands & one fortress story...



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  • 2 weeks later...

A good thought. But I didn't mean that they have to make the storyline allover 100 iles. I was very unsatisfied, that after the two first big parts, the third and the three+ was so short. I dream of a long hard (but possible)game over 5 parts, like in EMI the first or second one. If i begin a Monkey Island game, I always wish, that it will never end. Don't you? I know that its a big challange to program so many things and strips whatever. But I know too, that its possible for people working for Lucas Arts.

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In Momkey Island 5 I hope they can have a longer story than in the other ones.In Monkey Island 5 there should be various tasks to do like escaping from pirate ships etc.(you name it).And there must be one more thing of course:Moooooooooooonkey kooooooooooooooombat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(It psyches out my enemies)

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I would really like to see the game being as long and playable as something like Final Fantasy 8. With Final Fantasy 8 me and a friend took about three months to complete it, playing almost solidly every night. I hate the newer games which take a week to complete.


A game which took 3 to 4 cd's with not amazing graphics would be perfect as long as it's got the depth. I'd much prefer the graphic style similar to Monkey Island 2.

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First of all, the walk through will probabaly stay in LEC adventure games in the US. There isn't a very large gaming contingent who consistenly plays adventure games. A walkthrough is almost essential in capturing casual gamers. EMI was the first adventure game in America to make a profit in a long time. Second of all, although I wish it weren't this way, we will probably never see 2D graphics again in the MI series. EMI was just way too sucessful financially, and I don't think LEC is going to change the paradigm (a pair of dimes?) of a game that is raking in the dough just to appease us hardcore MI fans. So realistically, let's face it. We aren't going to get want we want as long as LEC is targeting Mr. Casual Gamer.

Back to the point. I think MI5 will be longer than EMI, but not by much. I want a long adventure game, but because EMI broke through to the American popular gaming market, LEC will stop all measures that will make the game radically different than EMI. So, I think it will be longer, to partially appease us hardcore MI fans and magazine reviewers (as I have seen that is one of the major complaints by reviewers), but not too long as to alienate casual gamers who just want to pick up the game occasionally and still be able to finish. Furthermore, I thought EMI was amusing, but rarely funny. I blame this because it seems like LEC was too concerned with the 3D aspect of EMI and not the story and humor as much. If a long game will cause the humor to go down another notch, I say keep it short. There is nothing I'd rather not do than sit through a 4 CD game with really horrible humor.

There you go. It's my opinon, in its most pessimistic form. Hey, it may be called pessimism, but it's realistic.




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I completed the game in two days and it left me wanting more.


I took over two _weeks_ to complete Deus Ex, and felt much more staisfyed at the end than with EMI.


That said there is a lot of difference between RPGs (like FF8 and Deus - it is an RPG, from first person view) and Adventures, though they are often linked.


You don't die for example.


A longer game would be best I think, or maybe a way for fans to extend it. I'm not too sure how an Adventure mod would work but....


EMI is my first Monkey game, though I have played 2D Adventures (E.G. Discworld) and I must say I prefer it with an extra dimension.



May the Force be with you.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Dr._Threepwood

I would like a longer game but think how expensive that would be? Nine dics or something. Although people writing a walkthrough would be so tired from typing so much.




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I think still keep it 3D but not as good graphics as EMI mabye more Grim fandango style,it would not NEED a 3D card,but could have one to enhance the graphics a bit.Then just keep the length as long as Grim.If the game is as long as Grim i'd be a a happy chappy




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