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Stupid Advert!


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I don't know if you have any control over what adverts you display. but if you do please remove that god awful "Zap a Mosquito" advert. The sound is driving me nuts. Every page I goto I can hear "Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz" I don't want to have to find the advert, "Zap" it and then have a bunch of popups load up just to stop the sound.


EDIT: Oh dear, I just had that same advert TWICE on the same page!

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They don't have a real control on the ads that are displayed so I'd suggest using an ad-blocker program.


If you're using Firefox, I suggest you download the adblock extension and I would also recommang adblock Filterset.G Updater to keep your blacklist updated.


If you're using Internet Explorer, I suggest you donwload Web Washer.


I hope this helps, I remember the fly ad... it was very annoying indeed.

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