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Invent some characters for MI5

Guest Brighteyesmonkey

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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

Lets make a list of characters you would like with their personalities,looks and phrases. EG: (my idea)


Guybrushes sister: Galbroom Teakbrass

A bueatiful fit young lady.A little older than Guybrush. She is bossy and has grown up in a rich family. After being lost at sea when she fell off a boat on rough seas with the Threepwoods when a baby.She ends up not getting on with Elaine. After following Guybrush on an adventure she forgets her eticate past and becomes a fiery red blooded pirate. (Theres an MI6 there, The adventures of Galbroom Teakbrass)



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Guest Brighteyesmonkey


Well you know i thought. Guy- Gal

Brush- Broom Threep - Teak Wood- Brass


Well i thought it was monkey anyway. You never know Lucasarts check these sites. Your character might get into MI5 or further on?!

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Guest The Feral Chicken

Ramond (or Cecil, or anything generally not hard), the most fearsome pirate ever known to anyone.


LeChuck should be taken more seriously, like in MI1 and 2

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Haven't got a name, but how about a pirate who's forgotten what gender he (i'm just saying here by deafault) is?

He thinks he might've been a boy who impersonated a girl to avoid a war draft and then masqueraded as a man to be a fearsome pirate captain as girls wouldn't be taken seriously but it's all gotten mixed up and confused in his head and he no longer remembers what he started off as. He's afraid to check.

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Guest Brighteyesmonkey



The parodie was put there so that if Guybrush retires and Lucasarts decide to carry on with Galbroom then the parodies can continue into new games.Think of it:

Balroom Reekarse! tongue.gif

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How about a Tony Blair character? He could be a politician with an evil smile ( biggrin.gif ) He could be quite stupid so he has to keep asking Murray for ideas. He could even be a monkey, trying to control the monkeys on Monkey Island. That way he would be Tony the monkey. Mind you we had enough politics with escape....



There are only a few hands I want down my pants and this isn't one of them
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No, it was not funny, and no, it was not the first joke. That was the: "Hey, I`m over here", thing, and then the: "Where did you say I should go, again", joke. Also the: "When there`s only one candidate, there`s only one choice" joke could be before it. You didn`t really need to speak to him, did you? And it was not certain that he was the first one you talked to.

My opinion, that is.

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Guest Brighteyesmonkey



This is a forum for Monkey fans to post their ideas for new characters, if you want to argue with each other exchange e-mails!

I'm sure the forum creaters would agree with me. By the way i love the Tony Blair idea.hehehe biggrin.gif

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Hey wait, Guybrushes step-sister should be who you suggested, but she & LeChuck should get together, and she could spend a good portion of the game pushing LeChuck around, trying to get him to kill Elaine & Guybrush. LeChuck should get over his feud, only be totally dominated by his (& Guybrushes) step-sister. You could even throw a Jerry Springer parody in there too!

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Guest Brighteyesmonkey


Good form Magnus!


Carry on with these great character ideas chaps! You never know keep them coming and Lucasrts may like your ideas and approach you to help them in MI's to come!

You never know.....

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Le Chuck is actually Guybrush and Elaines father hehehehe smile.gif nah jk sounds more like something you would get on Jerry Springer or something I dunno.


Basically I wanna see more pirates with bad tempers and drink grog all day, I think there's more room for another female in the game though, maybe an evil female pirate who wants to take over the carrabeian, kinda like a female-living version of Le Chuck who falls desperatly in love with Guybrush and together she and Le Chuck plot and scheme on how to break them up, or they both scheme to take over the carrabeian blah blah blah blah and then Guybrush and Elaine have to help them and defeat not only a band of undead pirates, but a band of living pirates or something.


I'm hopeless with story lines so I'll let other people come up with some good idea




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OMG that would be classic Guybrush and Murray on Jerry Springer, hmmmmm it's not very piraty, but if it's done in the right way it could become very piraty, and then Guybrush can go bash Murray up like they do on Jerry and Guybrush can use Murray's head as a ball or something? smile.gif I can just visualize that in my head now, I might even write a script on that with Guybrush and Murray on Jerry Springer with that topic if anyone wants to help me or come up with ideas? if you do you can email me at nattydevil@optushome.com.au or ICQ me 22344468- hey Frenchy? I'd like you to help me though coz it was your idea basically, but if anyone else wants to you're more than welcome biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




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Originally posted by Frenchyd:

Marline- another skull, murray's girlfriend? perhaps she's not so evil, and that ticks murray off, but she's like the only other skull around for him hmmm?? she could have like a teeheehee laugh... biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Hehe. That`s a good idea. But how do you make a skull look female??



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Guest Brighteyesmonkey


I know the perfect candidate for the Jerry idea! The harbour master!! She looks and sounds just like the people that go on that show! Someone ealry in this forum suggested a pirate who dosent know his gender, That would be kewl for that!


Keep em coming!!




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Guest Brighteyesmonkey






How can a mere reply capture the essence of my love for monkey?

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