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Question regarding Peragus


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Okay, having a bit of trouble and hoping someone can help.


I've made it to the ship in the hanger bay and...nothing happens. I can wander right up to it, but can't seem to advance to whatever happens next. Did I forget something? Or is my game glitchy and I'm screwed?



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If by the "ship in the hanger bay" you mean the Ebon Hawk then yes, something is supposed to happen.


You are supposed to board Ebon Hawk with T3-M4 and Atton and then a bunch of Sith troopers are supposed to attack. This is where a mini-game kicks in and you get to shoot the Sith troopers using Ebon Hawk's chin gun as they try to board Ebon Hawk. If any troopers get through and board Ebon Hawk then you'll have to go through the Ebon Hawk's interior and get rid of them before you will be able to leave Peragus. Also Kreia will rejoin your party before you leave Peragus.

You can refer to GameBanshee's TSL walkthrough for more info. <link>

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Without additional details it's hard to say.


To board Ebon Hawk all you have to do is walk your PC up to the boarding ramp. If you're standing in front of Ebon Hawk's cockpit/bridge and facing it then the boarding ramp is located just to your left. Like any other level transition in the game all you have to do is walk up to it. No buttons to push or anything like that.

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