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problems with fassa

Darth Zakaria

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i've read alot about the fassa robe thing but everytime i try it i get nothing ive googled it a couple times but i cant seem to find anything that tells me exactly how to do it can some one explain how it works or give me a site that does?


I assume you mean one of the few possibilities in the game to get the robes better than Jedi Master Robes? There's no special secret to it as far as I can tell. You'll need to be very high level to get the best ones, other than that just save before talking to Fassa after fixing the pylons, and reload unless you get the robe you want and repeat talking to him. Note that you are not given robes specifically, but a randomly generated item as a reward (where robes are one possibility), so unless you're very lucky you may have to do that over and over for quite a few times before getting any desired results.


However, if you have the PC version of the game you might as well use the console to give you the robes directly to save some time if you're going to cheat anyway. :)

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i thought you had to help him with the shipping chart thing


Yes, that's what I meant by fixing the pylons, sorry if that was unclear. You'll need to visit all three docking pylons, use the computer and assign the proper freighter schedules. When you have done so and talk to Fassa again you will get a randomly generated item as a reward. He won't mention giving it specifically but you'll get it (though due to how Random Reward generation works you might not get anything at all sometimes).


Due to the way that was used to give out this item it bypasses the item level caps, meaning you can get items with higher item levels than is spawned elsewhere. While this means for all other item types an increased chance of getting nothing at all (since those items simply don't exist in the game), for robes it means you'll be able to get one of the robes that is (mistakenly I assume) otherwise unavailable since the max item level cap for robes was set much too low in the random loot generator. One bug that bypasses the ill effects of another bug. :)


To get the best robes you'll need to be around level 40+ though due to how this works if I remember correctly, so you need to cheat either way to get them. :)


(So if you play on the PC you might as well save yourself the trouble of save/reloading countless times and just use the giveitem cheat console command to give yourself the robe you want.)

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