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Hows the game?


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Hi everyone. It's been awhile since I last played SWG. Been over a year I know. My ingame name was Ja'Mika Telo and I played on the Intrepid server. I was Imperial (long live the empire!) and in DLE guild (Dark Legion of the Empier). Anywho, I played for over a year and loved the game! I was mostly a roleplayer and a collector.


Anywho, I was wondering how the game is doing and if there are still alot of people playing? Are there any servers that are shut down? My guild was pretty much the big, badass guild on the server for the Imperial. After some of the publishes made alot of people mad they started leaving and the server was thinning out. Soon DLE made a official post of the SWG forums saying they were disbanning and that was the last time I saw alot of my guild mates. A few that wanted to keep the game alive went Rebel and started a new guild called NOMAD and I followed along. Soon it too kinda died out. I keep playing on the server but soon it was starting to thin out really fast and it started not to be as fun anymore cause there just wasn't as many people playing anymore. So finally I just decided to quit and cancelled my subscription and have yet to go back.


How is the game now? What has changed? Are you guys still having fun? I was thinking about coming back but I would be kinda on the upset side knowing that all my stuff that I collected would be gone. Hell, I'm not even sure if my character is still there. I'm sure it's deleted by now. And what is this swgemu all about? Can someone fill me in?

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Well, I'm not the most knowledgeable person since I've only played the trial so far. But since nobody else has replied, I'll tell you what I can.


From what I've seen, most servers seem to have medium or low population. I don't know specifically for Intrepid. I never played pre-NGE, but I head that people are still pissed by it. One of the big complain is the class system that was made to look more like that of other popular MMOs. I also heard there are way too many Jedi characters, as it's now selectable from the start.


The swgemu is, from what I know, a player-driven project that would "restore" the original game (I guess somewhere pre-NGE). There's a sticky about that, and you can get more information there. In my not-so-humble opinion, it's doomed to failure. Chances are the SOE will have it closed. That's what happened when some people create their "own" Battle.net; Blizzard lawyers swooped in and killed it. Unless the project is somehow endorsed by LA, Sony will probably have it closed.

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The question isn't who the servers belong to, but who does the game belong to? If it belongs to LA then it wouldn't be difficult for them to simply form a new license agreement for non-SOE servers. The servers don't come in the box. The game content does.


On the other hand, if SOE has any legal claim to the game content itself, then things might get messy.

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