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Force power idea.


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I thought of a power that would combine the Death Field and Master drain Force powers together.


Similiar to what happens after the PC kills a Jedi master, you are seen leeching the life force from them, and you gain a little bit of force points. I thought it would be cool to actually learn this power to use on anyone throughout the game.


So basically Death Field + Master Drain Force = Awesome new darkside power. Hopefully someone would be interested in this!

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Look for it in High Level Force Powers by STOFFE.

He/she made a lot of powers there.

If you can't find power like this there then say what vfx and what effects for force power you need exactly(Ex: it should have combined visual effect of drain force and drain life? It should leech life and force based on character's level? etc?)

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I just woke up earlier and decided t check out PCgamemods for some new stuff, and I saw this power on the front page!


Thanks a lot for making this, I had no idea anyone would be willing to do it!


Edit: just tryed it out in-game and it works just like I imagined it would be, and I thought the VFX were perfect for the type of power it was. The description and power icon make it flow nicely through gameplay!

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