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[TSL] Droid Items Into Regular Equipment


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I remember when the flamethrower armband was released for Kotor, and that was obviously made from the droid flamethrower.


I was wondering if it was possible to transfer the effects of droid items such as ion blast, carbonite emiter, flamethrower into armbands for everyone to use. I tried just changing the "activate item" field on armbands knowing it wouldn't work but hoping that it would...


I guess im asking either for a mod in which these three items are available as armbands, or a tutorial on how I could do it myself.


Either's cool. Thanks in advance.

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Why not just a flamethrower weapon? that would actually be kinda mean :)


let it have a huge fire damage but a very limited range and a pnealty to dexterity (ever tried carrying a flamethrower, those "shedogs" are heavy! )


Set the range to 5 meters, have the animation go out to 7 or so, so your enemies will be covered in flames rather than standing at the outskirts of the blast.


oh, sorry for the thread highjack :)

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