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That scary severed head with eyeballs around it


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I was looking through the wallpaper on scummbar.com and I saw the one of the severed head with the eyeballs around it and I remember it from the first game but it's been so long since I've played it that I don't remember what it was. So can someone please tell me why Guybrush is holding the severed head?

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This belongs in the General Monkey Island Discussion forum.


The head you speak of is the Navigator. Guybrush uses the head as a guide through Hell to find LeChuck's ship. He then, threatens to dropkick the head into the lava if he does not give up his eyeball necklace, which kept Guybrush invisible from the ghosts on LeChuck's ship.


And by the way, welcome to LucasForums! :)

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