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History Channel Production Team + Crack = ...

Dagobahn Eagle

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...Loose Change apparently being included in a "commemorative" History Channel "9/11 marathon". I saw this on the Screw Loose Change site, and apparently it's actually true.


Loose Change's liberal use of debunked lies, misconceptions, and ignorance taken into consideration, one has to wonder what History Channel's production team was thinking, or for that matter high on. That, and the fact that you don't "commemorate" such a horrific event by running all the videos of the burning towers over again. You might as well have a memorial of a rape and murder victim with a "commemoration video" of the molesting and killing happening.


What's next, the protocols of Zion included in a series of books commemorating World War II's holocaust? A speech by a KKK leader commemorating the atrocities of the US Apartheid period?


I'm seriously wondering if this conspiracy theory is never going to "die" the way the "JFK shot by the CIA" and "Diana assassinated"-theories did. I am probably largelly irrational in doing so, but I worry that it's going to grow to the point where we have a Conspiracy theory version of the I.T./Evolution-in-schools debate. A lot of people take History Channel seriously, and are probably going to be thinking, "well, if HC airs it, it must have some degree of truth to it!".


I worry indeed.

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