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A few modding problems.


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The darkness within Mod has exepirenced a few problems that we would like some help with:


1. We have the first cutscene ready but how do we make it play instead of the original 1st cutscene when you start a new game (Its already in the correct folder and is the correct format) Is it a script we need?


2. How can we replace the prouloge module with the Coruscant Module and how do we make a dialouge trigger the minute the coruscant module loads?


Thanks, The Darkness Within Team

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1. We have the first cutscene ready but how do we make it play instead of the original 1st cutscene when you start a new game (Its already in the correct folder and is the correct format) Is it a script we need?


I'd guess the easiest way would be to either fire the cutscene from the area's OnEnter event script in the first module, or from a trigger placed on top of the player starting location in the first module. If the cutscene is dialog-driven you can start the dialog from that script, and set a Global or Local variable to ensure it only plays once. In either case it might look something like:

void main() {
   object oPC = GetFirstPC();

   if (!GetGlobalBoolean("[color=PaleGreen]CUT_INTRO[/color]") && (GetEnteringObject() == oPC)) {
       AssignCommand(oPC, ClearAllActions());
       AssignCommand(oPC, ActionStartConversation(oPC, "[color=Yellow]CutscDialog[/color]"));


If the cutscene works like a dialog where your main character talks with someone nearby you may start the dialog with them rather than the player starting it with herself.


This would check that it's the main player character that triggers the event, and that the global boolean variable with the name CUT_INTRO has not been set (assuming it has been declared in globalcat.2da) to ensure the scene only is triggered once. It would then instantly fade the screen to black to make the transition from area loading into cutscene seamless, and start the DLG file called CutscDialog.dlg.


Then you run a script like this from the first node of the cutscene dialog:

void main() {
   SetGlobalBoolean("[color=PaleGreen]CUT_INTRO[/color]", TRUE);
   SetGlobalFadeIn(0.0, 0.5);


This script simply fades in from black over 0.5 seconds, and sets the global boolean to indicate that the scene has been fired.


2. How can we replace the prouloge module with the Coruscant Module


The name of the first module to load is hardcoded in the swkotor2.exe game executable, so in order to change what module loads first you will have to name it the same as the standard game's prologue module (001EBO).

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