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.2da help


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I'm still new to the whole modifying .2da's and so I was wondering if I could get some help on something. Say for instance, I have a spells.2da file in my overdrive from a previous mod and I download another mod that changes the spells.2da file. If I copied/pasted the changed lines into the previous spells.2da file, would changing the row numbers mess anything up?

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Most .2das depend on row numbers, the most pertanant i can think of are, baseitems, appearance, heads, portriats, spells, ammunitiontypes and globalcat I believe, but some don't really matter, such as itemcreate, itemcreatemira, upcrystals, upgrades?? It can get really confusing making all the 2das compatible, because some refer to other 2das some have .utx's and scripts refer to them, basically since so many mods were made before stoffe's TSLpatcher was made avaliable, it would be very difficult to make everything compatible...

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the only .2da guides that I know of are in the .2da Tutorials section of the Holowan board, but I don't know if there is a specific tutorial there on how to merge different .2da files, but if you gather a general knowledge form those tutorials, you should be able to do the basics of merging and you will definetly understand how they work better.

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