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extrctig textures from gmax

Draka Goth

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I need help.

I'vr created a model in gmax and textured it peace by peace.

and I'm stuck at the attempt of creating a whole texture at once.


so if anybody knows how to create a one peace texture for a 3d model in gmax, please help.


Thank you.

"peace by peace" ?

Your model is single mesh or you have many objects.

Anyway, how you textured model? G-max does't have textures included by default. I suppose you use texturing by creating shader material (which is not working to good in kotor/tsl).

Here is my suggestion: Create a 512x512 tga file, in g-max apply texture to mesh exactly like in T7's tutorial for creating new hilt (mapping part), repeat mapping for all objects (in case you have more than one and be carefull to not mess and attrib same texture region for diferite meshes).

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