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The Astrid Lindgren Appreciation Thread

Dagobahn Eagle

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Left: Ronia Robber's Daughter ● Right: The Brothers Lionheart


I recently bought the film version of The Brothers Lionheart on DVD and borrowed the film version of Ronia Robber's Daughter (still on DVD) from the city library, and the experience made me create this thread - to commemorate one of the greatest authors ever to have lived on this Earth. Both the movies are so incredible (especially Ronia Robber's Daughter, with its wonderful plot, great humor, and variety of creatures from folklore) that it's really sad they're apparently not available outside of Scandinavia (OK, maybe the rather extensive nudity in Ronia Robber's Daughter would prove a bit too much for the Americans, but still:o).


Astrid Lindgren was born in Sweden in 1907 and is remember for all the brilliant childrens' books she wrote. From the sad and philosophical The Brothers Lionheart to the hilarious and lively Pippi Longstocking, to the awesome fantasy tale Ronia Robber's Daughter, she produced writings that appealed to untold numbers of children not only in Sweden, but in places as remote as the USA and China (I'll never forget the time I spotted a girl at my Houston High School wearing a "Pippi Longstockings" T-shirt:D).


Who else here are fans of this late genius in the field of litterature? If so, what's your favourite book (Ronia Robber's Daughter here)?

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I actualy have the Ronia movie, and i'm not in scandanavia. (don't ask how :o)

Still haven't gottne around to watching it.. but i read an article about how it was really good and then just had to investigate.


Same happened with Hayao Miyazaki a few years back.


When i finally got around to watching his films i loved them, so hopefully it will be the same this time. Hang on, nudity??? I thought it was a kids film? U scandinavians!


A "film" i really like which seems similar in feel to me is the BBC Adaption of Box of Delights. Its a mini series, but I absolutely adored it when they showed it on tv about 15 years go.. and got the DVD last christmas. It rocks.

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Just don't expect it to be a comedy like Pippi Longstockings. It's a fantasy drama with a touch of love story.


Hang on, nudity???
And quite a lot of it, too.


They didn't have bathsuits back then:p.


I thought it was a kids film? U scandinavians!

Never saw a kid have a problem with it....Of course it might mean that the kids' parents might not be able to watch the movie, but oh well, nothing's perfect:D.

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