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Beta Testers Needed (Veridian Echo Mod)


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Hello everyone,


I am nearing completion of the Veridian Echo mod loacated here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=170384 . I would love to have a few testers to help make sure there are no bugs and to see if you think it improves the gameplay without making it too easy or too hard. Testers would have to agree to and follow the rules posted below.




1. None of the mod files that I send the testers are to be released to the public and you are not allowed to modify them and then release them either. (The files will be open for editing when I realease the mod to the public.)


2. Testers must be working off a clean install of KOTOR II (or you need to make sure you have no other mods installed). Please don't modify the files that I send you in any way. If something doesn't work don't try to fix it on your own, rather email me or PM me and will try to fix it for you.


3. Testers will need to finish the game by a set date. (Don't worry I will give you plenty of time).


4. Testers are expected to leave detailed feedback once they have finished their playthrough.



If you would like to sign up to do some testing PM me at the forums here and leave your email address and once I get the files uploaded I will send you an email with a link to the files you need and the password to open them. If you have any questions or comments about the testing you can post them here. If you have comments or questions about the mod please post in this thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=170384


Thank you!

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