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self explosion device/ force BOOOOOM


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ok i'm sick of dieing as a character and not taking any one with me to hell


is therea way to have an equipable grenade to blow up when the character falls unconsious


and also if any one can mayb a force power that will knock you out ant have the same effect


p.s. i would lov it if u call it force BOOOOM

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Excuse me if I am being somewhat blunt, but isn't the point of the game to knock out or kill other hostiles and not get killed or knocked out yourself? Now what I think would be a good idea is a force power that activates after the PC's or NCP's "OnDeath" Script fires, that way it can help your other weaker characters out when you have exausted your main strong characters. But this is just a suggestion, so I hope the best for you and I hope Lit Ridl can provide you with an awesome mod. Good luck!:D

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ok i'm the type of person who loves to spawn tonnes of hostilies and making life impossible, but tho my char is great my party is not soo i would like an equipable grenade or somthing like it so if 1 party member dies it explodes


e.g. atton and mira are on your party andatton dies, when atton dies a grendade goes off and takes down any one near him who is hostile.


e.g. if atton has 1 hp left or something i can use a force power to blow him up and kill people around him


the mod isnt realy for me but just for my weak NPCs

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Ok, I'll make it.

Just say what you prefer: grenade or force power or device like armband?

And give me quick description of them (name, description, etc.).


lol If you think that you are strong try my super-AI mod, that makes any human unreal to defeat even if all stats are 10, HP - 30, FP - 50, level 1.

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