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super ebon hawk


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can any one make the ebon hawk more... awsom


i mean like put in a teleporter to take you to another world like that random caselike thing in kotor 1


or like a stowaway who takes the ship for a joyride while you sleep (then u land on som planet and fght him/ her to get the navicomputer codes)


mayb even a way to get up top on when in space and fight people who try to board it ( propably can only be done after perags nd goto's yhat, nd with the space suite on you cant fight... unless u play as the droids... or have the droids in your party while you are in a space suit and you work on repairing deffence turrets.)


oh and my fav idea, make a gizka areana where you and the party members fight and bet on gizka in kotor (possibly a table in te storage room where hk is in tsl, and you have 2 gizka on it)

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Seriously, you made alot of requests in the course of 24 hours...


Can I just refer you to the General Modding section? There are loads of tutorials that can get alot of what you are asking (in your many many topics :p ) done quite easy.


But really, if you ask for so many things to be done at once, you won't get a very good sucess rate.

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come to think of it, this:


mayb even a way to get up top on when in space and fight people who try to board it ( propably can only be done after perags nd goto's yhat, nd with the space suite on you cant fight... unless u play as the droids... or have the droids in your party while you are in a space suit and you work on repairing deffence turrets.)


Is a great idea. If I can get the things I'm planning for my Grey Jedi WIP done tomorrow, I'll look into that.

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