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Solution for many XP problems (stuttering, no sound, etc.)


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Hallo everybody, I think I have found the solution for many problems mentioned in this forum concerning the compatibility of Grim with "newer" cumputers and XP.


You only have to disable "Hyperthreading" in your BIOS and the game runs perfectly well!! This actually works for many pre-millenium games such as System Shock 2.


It seems that older generation games don't like running on dual processors and therefore cause these annyoing sound/stuttering problems.


Hope this will help people playing this wonderful game as it was meant to be!



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You only have to disable "Hyperthreading" in your BIOS and the game runs perfectly well!! This actually works for many pre-millenium games such as System Shock 2.


sounds helpful, but could you post exact directions on how to do that for the less tech savvy GF users like me?

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sounds helpful, but could you post exact directions on how to do that for the less tech savvy GF users like me?


You restart your computer and press F2 (F key number might vary, it should say "setup" next to the key) as windows start firing up again. This opens the BIOS screen. There you search for "CPU information" with the up/down keys and hit Enter. Then highlight the option "Hyperthreading" and choose "Disabled" with the direction keys. Then you hit Escape and when prompted, choose "Save and Exit". Then the computer starts with HT disabled and all problems will be solved!


All the best, celtical

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