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Tips for newbies that I never got


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You can get from planet to planet or city to city using your own ship or buying tickets at star ports (or shuttle stations). To use your ship just use the starship interface just like on the station. *note if it is a player built city it will not appear on the map for your ship you will have to buy a shuttle ticket* If you want to go to space choose launch, if you want to go to a city choose travel. This is also where you upgrade your ship


The bank in each town is in an open square formation. If you use the overlay map you can see them from the star ports. At the bank are red bazaar terminals this is where you can shop through what other players have for sale. If you do not see it on the bazar you can use your data pad to edit your planet map (which is different than the overlay)to show player vendors on each planet. You will see this map option on the menu under (you guessed it) planet map.


To buy a new ship find a player vendor using the above methods and purchase a chassis from him (is like the main hull shape) take this chassis too a star port and give it to the chassis dealer and they will assemble it.


Be sure you have the piloting skill for the ship you buy. I did find a couple of level 1 ships that are pretty ok. I forgot his name, but if you go to the in game help button and type in ships you will see a post called retiring from piloting, or quitting. In this it tells you the guy's name on Tatooine that gives you a reference. Once he does, you can start a freelance pilot training program with a guy in the back of the cantina in Mos Isely (sorry about the spelling). I do not know about rebel and Empire pilots it's a freelancer's life for me (in space anyway).


Ok I’m still new so as I learn more I'll Post it for those other new players out there.


May the Force Be with You



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