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Nar Shaddaa help plz!!


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Hey I am new to kotor 2 on xbox and i have done Telos etc and Dantooine, Got my lightsaber and am stuck on Nar Shaddaa. The alens aren't attacking my ship. I have doen all the quests and talked to the little guy who says that my exchange standing is that they want to kill me etc. ( I am light sided)


P.S also when i go back to my ship the dockmaster is waiting for me but he just ignores me :)

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This bug happens a lot. Mainly because you take the 'grey path' etc.

You should know that the alien-attack triggers whern you walk near the Enternainment Promenade exit.

I suggest you go there. If it doesn't work then, I suggest you take a previous load...

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