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[KoToR I/II] SHORT Short Lightsabers (dagger style)


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I love using dual lightsabers, but I also like the short lightsaber the most. I am actually to the point where I modded the short lightsaber to have better damage so I can use 2 of them without penalizing myself, purely an asthetic thing I suppose. Even changed the color to suit me.


Now something I have tried and failed, obviously not having the proper knowledge on how to do it...


Is there a way to create a new lightsaber using the short lightsaber model that has a blade that's even shorter? I would love to use a short lightsaber in one hand and a dagger style saber in my off hand.


If anyone can give me instruction on how to do this.. or just do it themselves (probably a better idea, I'm kinda dense), I would be extremely grateful.


As a final note: it doesn't matter to me that, if in the game, the saber is so short it doesn't make contact with enemy weapons or whatever in certain animations. I am thinking of a blade about half the length of the Short Lightsaber, maybe a bit smaller.


This is the one mod I've wanted for a long time I haven't seen available or been able to do myself. Thanks in advance.

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To the best of my knowledge no one knows of a way to shorten the length of a lightsaber blade. The best you might be able to do is model a new lightsaber and start the blade inside the handle, this would make the blade a bit shorter, but might cause some 'glow' issues from the hand. Dunno

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