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hard drive letters reset and changed


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Hello, everyone. I have posted this exact same message in the kotor technical forum, I apologise for that, I was in a rush to post my cry for help, before I found this forum which feels more appropriate as my problem isn't neccessary with kotor but with my system in general. Here is my problem and my cry for help:




I have 2 internal hard drives C: and J: and I have two external hard drives F: and L: and everything worked very well. Kotor 1 and 2 was installed on drive L: which is an external one.


Ok now, I had to change the SiS IDE controller driver to the one made by microsoft because of conflict in games. No problem, everything changed as it should, nothing was lost... EXCEPT the drive letters. By reinstalling the IDE Controller my machine rechecked the system for other drives and sure enough found 2 external drives which it named F: and G: the F: drive kept its letter but the L: one was changed into G:


So now all games and programs that were installed on my L: drive have now the lost their paths, so the system searches on L: drive when it doesn't exist anymore. Now I could easily just change the execution path on the desktop icon to the new drive letter G: and sure enough it makes the games run as they should, but when uninstalling for example, the system runs its uninstall and removes the program from the add/remove list but the program remains on the drive even though strings to it are removed by the uninstall.

This leaves me with dead strings in the registry which can't be "felt" by the registry cleanup tool and obviously clutters up my registry beyond anything you've seen.






So, is there any way or program that will allow me to change the drive letter back to how it was?


I need help bad... and I will be eternally grateful if anyone has a solution for this. Thank you very much for your time.

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ah, never fear montnoir, the tech forum is here. This one is as easy as pie :)


>Start button>>Control Panel

>>Administrative tools>>Computer Management>>Disk Management

Your drives will appear on the right



To change...

>>click on the hard disk with a blue horizonal bar, the box should be shaded

>>next right click that box that you desire to change the letter then click on "Change Letter Drive and Path"


>>click the "change..." button


>>from the "assign the following drive letter", select the letter you want to assign to the hard drive or the cd-rom drive >>click ok


Note: You can not:

*change the drive letter of your boot or system drive this way.

*assign drive letters that are already in use >>Assign temporary letters as a workaround and then change back to the desired letter


pic for illustration:


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Yes, that fixed everything! It also was easy, just as you said. The instructions were perfect and I am forever in your debt!


A thing to add. The programs that I uninstalled through the Add/Remove Programs function (while the drive letters were wrong), reappeared in the add/remove list after changing to the original letter... which is just fine because I don't need to reinstall.

Also the excessive registry posts dissappeared too after changing to the original drive letter...

... errrm, is this part of The Mysteries of PC-s?


But just for information, say I hadn't had access to the awesome-ness that is the tech-forum on lucasforums. Where could I have found this information? Like the average joe in computer knowledge that I am, I don't have a clue where to get specific computer OS help...

...and if you answer "google", I'm gonna throw tomatoes at your avatar!






PS If you ever need someone beat up, you know who to call!


PPS ... and that is not me, because even if you need me to beat up a 5 year old girl playing princess wearing a pink ballerina dress, she's still gonna kick by butt...

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no need for anyone to get beatup :p


seriously, no need to have ventured outside windows to get help for this one !


So, next time your stuck, always first try:


Start>Help and Support>>Type in your query !!


Anyway, we're here now, so no need to leave the comfort of your favourite fictional universe :D



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