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Agreeing with Kreia.. Spoilers


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Has anyone here gone through the game agreeing with Kreia no matter what she says, maxing out influence? Any special conversation lines or perks come up due to this course of action? As you know, when you play evil she chides you for your rash behavior, and when you play good, she rants and raves about how your good acts only weaken others and waste your time. Don't get me wrong, I think she's a neat character and like her voiceovers, but is the game different enough when you do to make it worth going through being her yes man?

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Maxing influence with Kreia is not a problem even if you don't agree with her - she may prefer you to do nasty stuff, but she has many, many influence options over the course of the game.


And yes, there are some gains along the way, though it mostly relates to backstory and secrets she'll share with you, if you win her over, particularly with relation to her ties with Revan. I don't recall of the force-enhancing lesson she gives are tied to having a high influence with her, though. They may simply be tied to your rising power level and nothing more, but I don't remember.


How the main plot evolves does not change, however. That depends entirely on whether you choose the LS or DS way through the game (i.e., whether you kill the jedi masters or not). Kreia will act differently depending on whether you take the DS or LS option, but whether you have high or low influence with her at that point doesn't matter at all.

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They also give you a few opportunities to say something like "I will consider what you said," or "Maybe you have a point," or something along those lines. Also, thanking her for showing you something or otherwise letting her know you appreciate her wisdom gets you influence with her.


For instance, if you go nuts and kill the man who interrupts you while robbing his apartment on Telos, you lose influence with Kreia. But you can gain some back if you ask what she would have done in your place, then agree that she might be right.

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I usaly max out my influence with her fast, because i like to have my characther to manipulate. But there is no diffrent to the story if you are her "yes" man. And you can get all her influence conversation if you disagre with her on evrything too, low influece give the same options

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