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Game Closes upon Launch and can't install Patch


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I'm on Window's XP Home Edition Version 2002 updated with Service Pack 2 on an AMD Athlon XP 1600+ 1.41 Ghz, with 512 MB of RAM and an ATI Radeon 8500 Series video card.


Now my dilemma is two-fold. The Game installs fine, but everytime I attempt install the patch I get this message, without fail: "Unknown Error!" No more or less descriptive and informative than that. I've tried all sorts of things such as running it from the file the game is saved in.


Now I wouldn't be so wrought over this if the game itself run and here's my bigger and more notable problem: If I open the game it shows a picture of Glottis and then shuts down without any error message or anything. I get the exact same result if I use the launcher, the upgraded launcher or simply open the file directly from the folder.


Changing the compatibility options to Windows 95/98/ME and toning down all the graphics options (as well as decreasing my computer's overall color to 16 bid (which looks positively awful comparatively) has acheived a grand total of nothing. The game still loads a picture of Glottis and then shuts down without explanation.


I've read through pretty much every page on this board and I have seen similar problems mentioned but haven't seen response which has made the slightest difference for me. PLEASE help me get this game working.


EDIT: I also have the most up to date version of Direct X.

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From what you've written i think you did pretty much everything that is to do. Have you tried creating an image of the game with alcohol 120% and then emulating it? if not i think you should give it a try. its praticaly the same as running it from the hard drive but you never know. I also suggest you visit the Event Log of windows in order to see if there are any error messages or use the game's option: Test you PC (or something like that). It will not help you run the game but at least it may give you an idea of the nature of the problem.

I'll be searching the net for a solution so if i find anything i'll let you know.

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