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Assasin mission : Kashyyyk


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also shot first ask questions later oh and he aperas as im not goign to say name but it apers as a furry thing and then somethign else i cant rember havent palyed in a while but i think it transforms randomly or into jolee


(stalks shape shifter threw the swamps then blast's it in the head with instant kill c-24 laser cannon(moded wepon i made for my use) colects body then goes toc olect bounty)

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After you complete the quest involving the insurrection, you will not be able to go past the landing docks. If you want to complete the Genoharadan mission, you have to go to an earlier savegame.



Not true it all depends who you side with the damned wookiee racist's of czerka corp or the awsome wookies of kassyk...........

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