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Reliable Link For KOtOR 3?!

Master McQ

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  • 2 weeks later...

The IGN article is not fake it is a real article., although it is PURELY Speculation from January 2006. Which means KOTOR 3 would already have advertising and the whole nine yards, signs in the stores and things of that nature.


As for the second Article it only tells us that there is a game called star wars 07 coming out soon.

As far as Kotor they said it was a franchise that LA did not want to or would not leave behind, which (imo) is something they have already done, TSL came out in what 2004.

Four years between installments of a game. I mean hell they could film and put a movie into theaters in 3 years but they can't develope a video game whats the hold up!!! The Next installment of Kotor better Kicka$$ for all the time it is taking.


Sorry for the rant, "needed to feel my angry and let it go"

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