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Always DS handmaiden


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I think this is a pretty easy mod to do (don't know if it really is). I was hoping somebody could give Handmaiden her own robe that is the same has her clothes when DS. This would drop in your inventory when she joins your party. Give the clothes some statis (don't overrate) and the use of force powers.

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I don't know the file names of her robe textures offhand, but this would be a way to accomplish what you want (except for the dropping into your inventory part, that would require a script; maybe):


Browse the stock (or modified, as long as Brianna's entries aren't altered) appearance.2da file and find out which textures are used for her light and dark robes, then use KT to extract the dark one, rename it the same as the light one, and pop it into your override. Instant DS robes all the time. As far as getting some stats on it, you would need to find out the name of the uti file that is attached to the appearance (I'm at work, so I don't know what this is atm, but I can find out later), edit that using KT (adding whatever stats you want) and extract it to your override. That way, as long as she's joined your party and changed into the robes (you might want to do this twice, once for the light robes and once for the dark robes), you will have the item.

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