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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Geonosis Map Tips

Darth Newfie

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These are some things you may find interesting about geonosis.


- The confederate bunker at the north of the map has a hole in it. Mace Windu or a jet trooper can fly up and do a suprise attack on defenders and easily capture this cp for the republic. If it is Count Dooku can do the same and recapture it. The republic bunker in the southwest is identicle and the same can be done.


- To the east of the republic outpost there are two holes. Jump down if you like to see yourself die (hehe joke). Try to force push an enemy in one. There are also 2 behind the cliff bunker. A last one is by the west tunnel.


- The hangar controlled by the CIS at the start spawns geonosians so if the Republic captures it, it could mean an easier battle.


- The downed techno union ship has a crevice in its side that you can use to pick off attackers coming from the west tunnel.


- The west tunnel is always being used by CIS AI units so place a few mines there to get easy kills. The east tunnel is not used so much.


- Use geonosian lrik cannons to your advantage. The CIS has quick access to two. One is in the confedeate outpost near the hangar and another is in front of the hangar. The republic also has access to one near the downed techno union ship. An advantage to both factions is that when one is destroyed they automaticlly start to repair themselves and rather quickly. A fusioncutter will repair it in record time.


- There are various rock clusters around the map. They are there for a reason, cover. They are like the wookie barricades on Kashyyyk that protects the beach cp.


- Unseen at the start of the battle, a medical droid is within the trench bunker in the maps center. Use a fusioncutter on the build plate in here and a medical droid spawns. Snipers using the firing slits will be able to rush out when injured, grab some health and resume firing at the attackers.


- A rule of sniping is to take one shot and move on. Use the firing slits in the trenched bunker to fire at attackers. Take a shot in one of the nooks then use the hallway to move to the adjacent one and take another shot. Cross between these 2 for an effective sniping opportunity.


- There is only one AT-TE so use it wisely. It takes a while to get to the actual battle so you don't want to have to get another one all the way to the battle again. If you are going to man it at all use the engineer class.


- If you see the AT-TE losing health try to clear out some enemies with the clone trooper or capture th hangar which spawns 2 of the seperatists 4 vehicles and these can really hurt the walker.


if anyone has any more strategies for Geonosis:Conquest, post them.

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LOL , I know most people have played Geonosis and actually its my least favorite map but since its so big and has little detail, its the best one to create a guide for. I spent a while scouting out the whole map. Did you know a jedi , jet trooper can fly onto a huge plain of sand above the hangar? I've had the game for a year and only just discovered that a few weeks ago.

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