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Galactic Resurrection

sgt. hicks

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Star Wars: Galactic Resurrection Mods

Mod for Forces of Corruption expansion for EAW.


I plan to release three mods based on different periods with new factions and units based on the time span in between 12ABY to 125ABY. I do realize


this is quite the undertaking on my part but this is mostly for me and anyone else who likes the newer stories and who would like to see something from


these time periods. This is just the begining and a primer for what is to come. I'm still working on the ideas and the setup but work has begun. Anyone


who would like to join my team are to message me untill my website and forums are up and running. I'm looking for the usual bunch of modders into


modeling and coding and other areas of expertise.

Factions right now look to be Imperial Remnant, New Republic, Consortium and one to be announced later for the first release. Then for release II it will


be 4 factions as well and will be named at a later time and the same for release III. Each of these releases will be built as separate mods not upgrades or


addons. I am working on a schedule to plan out the first release but until I have more of my ideas coded and modeled I don't have a public time frame.


Any questions for now just message me and I hope to hear from some of the community.


Release I: Galactic Resurrection the New Empire

Release II: Galactic Resurrection the Yuuzhan Vong War

Release III: Galactic Resurrection the New Sith War


Soon to follow will be some unit renders and possibly a unit list by faction.


Hey guys if your interested in working with Galactic Resurrection we now have our own forums so you can apply for a position. go to http://www.galacticresurrection.com/forums/index.php

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