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The Darkness Within TC (KOTOR MOD)


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Hey, there are people currently working on a massive Total Conversion Mod for KOTOR2 TSL... It's called the darkness within... we need scripters, modders, and more...

we especially need voicers! females and males! British or American accents!!! please sign up on the forums! {Snip} -RH

Thank You

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I'm sorry Lord2 but we do not allow the advertising of other forums here. I have to remove the link. Also please keep Modding threads in Holowan Labs, as your team already has a thread (or two) in Holowan already for this mod progect...


Here are the threads already existing for this Project;




As this makes the third thread I'll have to close this one. Sorry.


Please keep the information/inquiry posts to one of those threads. Thanks.

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