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place in nar shaddaa docks


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You can get to most of Vogga's stuff, yes. Doing so is part of a side-plot, so I won't spoil it here. Look at a walkthru, if you want it spoiled.


You can't access Vogga's warehouse, though, but you won't need to, since T3 will gain full access to it later, at which point he can loot it to your heart's content.

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Well, in that case...



you need to catch up on a few clues. I don't remember which exactly, but just do them both anyway. Both in the flophouse and in the bar (next to the Pazaak den), you'll note a couple of aliens who promptly shut up as you approach. Have someone in the group use Force Camouflage or similar, then eavesdrop on their conversations.


Once you have done that, you'll know that you can drug the kath hounds with juma juice and that Vogga will fall asleep from watching dance. Get the juma juice from the bartender (you can Force Persuade him to give it for free without taking DS points - at least it works for me).


Once you have it, approach the Twi'lek in the bar looking for a dancer. If you're not female yourself, you can get Handmaiden or Mira to dance for you (in a "costume" that men tend to find more interesting than woman...). Then you'll be taken to Vogga, who will promptly fall asleep after a cutscene with the dance.


Once he's out, drop the juma juice in the kath hounds' bowl. This will trigger another cutscene, where they drink it and then fall asleep. You can now rob Vogga blind without restriction.



There you go - total spoiler :D

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