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How do I get handmaiden and visas to argue?


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alone and when Visas attacks get your influence up really high.... then go talk to Kriea about the "Blind One". Tell her when she says "... and do not mate with her, blah blah blah...." (I wrote blah blah blah, because I don't remember what she says after that) reply with this, "Perhaps and perhaps not, we shall see....."

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If your influence with Visas gets beyond a certain point and your influence with Handmaiden is still low, they'll throw their argument. Be careful though; if this happens Handmaiden will refuse to speak to you for the rest of the game. You can still use her as a party member and level her up and everything, but all she'll say if you click on her is, "There is nothing for us to discuss. Leave me alone."

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^^But getting Handmaiden to talk about her mother requires you to have enough influence to enable that conversation option. Not building up the influence level to that point and having high influence with Visas is what results in Kreia screwing with your dating options. It's been a while since I played TSL, so I guess I might be mistaken about the argument between Visas and Handmaiden though.

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