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Shaders for .md3's and .glms

Gug Eyewalker

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I can't seem to figure this bit out, been working on it all day.


I created a model in Gmax and exported it as a .md3, applied a basic texture to it.


I went to the models.shader file and added an entry for it, tried giving it a glow.


But why won't this shader work in the map?? Texture shows up, model shows up, OTHER models show up with their shaders, mine wont activate the shader, and I have tried variouse shader formats.


So how does one make a shader work for an md3 ?

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First of all, you may want to make a separate shader for your model, to avoid unnecessary shader conflicts. Secondly, how are you trying to apply your glow? There are several ways to do it. Also, in case it needed stating, make sure dynamic glow is turned on. If it's not, you likely won't see a difference.

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perhaps not glow is the right term, maybe it is, but at the very least i want self-illumination.


For example, I created a holocron that I want to be translucent and glowing (or not affected by dark). I put the md3 in the map_objects/canyon folder along with the jpegs for the base texture, and another jpeg labeled darkholocron_g (for the parts i want to glow).


I created a shader with notepad that looks like this::




cull twosided


map $lightmap



map models/map_objects/canyon/darkholocron




map models/map_objects/canyon/darkholocron_g

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE





saved this in the shaders folder as darkholocron.shader, I also added darkholocron to the shaders list.


when i run this as a static model in gtkradiant and load the map - i get the .md3 but no glowing texture.

In fact I can make shaders and apply them to brushes and have them work just fine, just not .md3's.


I also tried adding the same shader entry to the models.shader file and saved it, but i get the same result.


edit: please note that the above shader does not reflect that i actually have tabs in the right places.

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It's more likely a mapping question, actually. I'm not a mapper, but I remember running into this problem... I just can't for the life of me remember what the solution was. I think it had something to do with the way you insert the MD3 into the map. I really don't remember though :(.

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