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Multiplayer no servers showing - PLEASE HELP ASAP!


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What shall I do next - I wanna play online, im bored of bots!!! :sithk:


I have;


a router which I have configured to allow ports: 28060-28062,28070-28081 UDP


Zone alarm which i have told to allow JK outcast.


the 1.04 patch


I have gone on find servers changing the source to internet click get new list, waited, got very annoyed when no servers where found. :smash:

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Hmmm, sounds like a Zone Alarm problem. I use it myself and it can be a little tempermental from time to time.


Just to make sure it's not ZA;

• Open ZA and remove JO in the Program List

• In JO, set the video resolution to 640x480 and turn fullscreen to off

• When JA restarts it'll be in a window and you'll be able to see your desktop in the background

• Go to refresh the list /get new list from the internet

• Zone Alarm should give a prompt in the bottom right corner, you should be able to ALT-TAB round to it and click Allow (and 'don't ask about this again')

• If that solves the problem, you can reset your video settings


If that doesn't work, it looks like it's down to your router. Which I know nothing about, sorry.


Hope that helps,


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