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[K1] PMHA03 Reskin

Ghost Down

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Could someone redo the darkside transitions of PMHA03? (Bald asian guy)


I'm asking this because I hate the grey zombie look!


So this is what I'm basicly asking for:


Sith eyes (ROTS style)

No grey skin

Perhaps some small veins that you can see..


Hope that some will do this!


Thanks in advance! :thumbsup:


- Ghost Down

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I could do it easily enough... But it'd help a lot if you could perhaps search around a bit on google (or whatever) and find a couple pics of what you're looking for. Most notably, the eyes. Sounds like you have a pretty specific idea of what you want to see, and it'd be a lot easier to come up with something you'll be happy with if I can actually see a picture that's at least "on the lines" of that.


The other thing would be... remembering that K1 has 5 stages (light, d1, d2, d3, full dark), some of those would probably wind up VERY subtle once you don't have the gray skin effect in place, but if that's what you want, it's pretty simple.



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Well, this is what I had in mind:


The eyes similair to Hapslash's Anakin


Picture 2

Those eyes are ofcourse for the final DS transition..

As for the skin, you could make it a bit paler looking ..


Sorry that I can't help more, but its really hard to explain ..Hehe


- Ghost down


EDIT: Perhaps darken the area around the eyes a bit (See the pictures I posted above) And add some small veins (See picture 2).. Make him look like he has been corruped by the Darkside .. (Without the grey zombie look ofcourse ;))

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Well these are admittedly quickie jobs, and honestly I'm not all that terribly happy with them. Then again, it's pretty tricky to show much of any transition without either going pretty crazy with scars/veins/tattoos or else using the gray look.


Didn't sound like you wanted much of either, so they've wound up pretty subtle -especially the first couple. Since I didn't change the default (light side), it's not included in the zip, but I did also go ahead and bang out some quick-hack portraits you can check out too, since the old ones would look pretty strange as grey as they were.


Eh, lemme know what you think and if you don't like 'em maybe I'll come up with some better ideas and have a bit more time a little later in the week.


File Link


Should be able to just click it or may need to right click and select "save as", then save someplace and then unzip the whole thing to your Override folder. If you don't like 'em, just look in there and delete all the PMHA03xxx.TGA and PO_PMHA3xx.TGA files.



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Quite welcome, and glad you like it. :)


Like I said, some new ideas may or may not come to mind later on.. If they do, I'll play around with it and post it up, but being you seem rather happy with the results, I wouldn't count on it. I've never used that head myself, so it's tricky to find a lot of inspiration when I've got so many other projects in mind at the moment.


Sadly, most of them require me to figure out some modding aspects that have been driving me completely up a wall, so they look like they're gonna be a ways in the works. :p



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