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Questions about KOTOR II ( Minor Spoilers )


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After long deliberation, having read many mixed reviews, talk about bugs, and forum discussions, I decided to purchase KOTOR II. I figured the best way to find out how something was is to try it out for yourself, right? Also, KOTOR I was just too good for me not to be curious. However, I'm partway through the game, and there are lots of small things that I'm wondering if are "normal", for everyone else that's already played it. (I'm using the PC version patched to 1.0b, if anyone's curious, but the question still stands for both XBOX and PC)


After you get the Handmaiden and are on board the Ebon Hawk, is she supposed to just stand there? When I first talked to her, I assumed she's supposed to be doing a "training" animation, because otherwise the "What are you doing?" question option makes no sense. However, she doesn't, and hasn't, ever done the animation. She just stands there.


When you talk to Atton in the cockpit, is he suppose to turn around to face you? Every time I talk to him, he just stands up, and continues looking forward. This leads to some awkward-looking conversations.


When you first get Visas, is there supposed to be a cutscene or something after you visit her in the infirmary? When I played through this part, the scene ends asking Atton to let you know when she's feeling better, and then the Handmaiden confronting you. Afterwards, Visas is magically transported into the crew quarters, and makes no mention of getting better, nor can you ask about it, when you talk to her. Atton also never said anything. Also, when you ask about her homeworld, there are conversation options about her master destroying it, even though you don't know that. Is there a cutscene that's supposed to be here?


When on Nar Shaddaa, and you are supposed to go to the Jekk Jekk Tarr as Mira, is it normal for her to be shown not wearing the pressure suit? The cutscene before this shows her taking an environmental suit from the player character, even though I never picked one up nor was told where to get one. Mira just appears normal when she enters the bar, and suffers no ill effects. It's obvious you're supposed to have one on, though.


PC users only: During installation, when every disc after the first one would finish installing, instead of telling you to insert the next disc, an error would pop up saying that the wrong volume was in the drive, and tell you to insert disc 1. Only after doing that would it tell you to insert the next disc, and then continue normally.


When I got the game, I knew that there were bugs, and thus was appropriately wary. But, in all the positive reviews I read, and discussions on the forum, it seemed that the people that liked it acknowledged that there were some issues, but none of them were deal breakers. None of these bugs are huge things, yes, but each one is jarring and takes me out of the game a little more, and serves to build, in a cumulative fashion, into being a deal breaker. I guess I just wanted to know if these things were normal for everyone else. (I did, also, get the infamous Polar Prison bug, and had to search forums to figure that one out.)

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I experienced most of the things you described, except these two.


PC users only: During installation, when every disc after the first one would finish installing, instead of telling you to insert the next disc, an error would pop up saying that the wrong volume was in the drive, and tell you to insert disc 1. Only after doing that would it tell you to insert the next disc, and then continue normally.


(I did, also, get the infamous Polar Prison bug, and had to search forums to figure that one out.)


Although things like this did take away from the game somewhat and the fact that Obsidian chose to make cutscenes out of events that I could care less about and in some instances seem completely contradictory to whats currently going on - I am still glad on the whole that I purchased the game.

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Yes, the Handmaiden always stands there doing nothing, so that's normal.


Atton doesn't usually look at you. He did occasionally with me, but most of the time he just stands up. One strange bug that's in there is, when you're talking to him and he doesn't stand up, he's typing on the control panels while still holding whatever weapon he has.


No there is no cutscene after you talk to Atton in the Medical Bay, but hopefully they will add one once the big mod from Team Gizka comes out.


Mira will only wear the pressure suit if you mention something about needing a pressure suit in the conversation with your party after you get the message form Visquis. If you don't, then she walks in normally, but the effect of the pressure suit still works.


I also have the PC version, but it's been so long since I installed (it'll be 2 years on Feb, 9th) it that I have forgotten what happened, so your problem might be common and it might not.

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