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Change starting classes kotor 1


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simple yet I don’t have to skill to do it (laughing at myself) at least I think It would be easy to take two classes of scout and smuggler but what do I know, I think ill stay with moding something simple like battlefield 1. Anyway what I never understood is why the Jedi would make you a smuggler of all things, it seems a bit strange that they would do that just so you have the chance of turning on them after all aren’t smugglers supposed to think of self interest? What I was thinking was changing these classes too officer (scout) and senior officer (smuggler). With these new classes you could also add some new stuff to the locker. Example




Republic shield: uses infinite. Protects against energy 10 points

(After reverse engineering the sith shield the republic forces were able to come out with there own. however the republic shields will not hold up long in a fight)


Republic armor: armor 2, dexterity bonus +8 upgradeable

(Standard republic armor, while most choose not too republic generals stress customizing armor)

Upgrades: slot 1 slot 2

+ 2 defense -1 dexterity bonus/ +10 defenses against cold -10 against heat


Republic first-aid belt: +2 treat injury

(while on the field too many republic soldiers died not getting proper treatment fast enough, because of this republic commanders have decided to give soldier proper equipment too treat blaster injuries.)


Republic helmet (if possible): +1 defense, immunity snipe (or whatever it’s called), critical hit

(Slandered republic armor)


Blaster rifle


Officer (scout)


Republic shield: uses infinite. Protects against energy 10 points

(After reverse engineering the sith shield the republic forces were able to come out with there own. however the republic shields will not hold up long in a fight)


Republic officer armor:+3 defense, dexterity bonus + 6 upgradeable

(While each soldier is important, the republic understands that its officers need to be better defended to the basic grunt.)

Upgrades slot 1 slot 2

+ 2 persuasion / + 2 strength

Heavy pistol


Senior officer (smuggler)

Republic shield: uses infinite. Protects against energy 10 points

(After reverse engineering the sith shield the republic forces were able to come out with there own. however the republic shields will not hold up long in a fight)


Admirals uniform: (not armor! able to use force powers with it) +1 defense +2 persuasion dexterity bonus +8 upgradeable

(While on the field senior officers must be able to inspire troops there for the republic made this uniform allowing all your medals to be shown for your heroics.

Upgrades: slot 1 slot 2

+ 4 persuasion / + 1 defense






I have a feeling some people might not like this idea however I would love to replay the game and be able to see some completely new stuff from the start. I also understand there would be clipping issues with helmets (curse you 2 feet of hair curse you!!!!!) anyway let me know what you guys think.

also if possable create new feats for officer and senior officer that boost dexterity of the group or maybe the attack. kinda like atton abilitys or the exiles only on a group level.

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