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Another saber color--death grey, plus other things--I'm also a megaman fan too

Darth Avlectus

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I am neither siklled enough nor can afford the time (at least not enough for anything more than SLOW progression) to learn to mod, effectively. So If someone is looking for more ideas for sabers and stuff, you might have found some. I would be glad to help out in any way I can. All's I ask is that you credit me with at least a special thanks for the idea. I have just become aware of pcgamemods.com. I also must give props to redhawke--your ord mantell stage kicks @$$! Your mods alone have given me considerable replay hours.


For K1--and i guess k2 (when the day ever comes that I buy it) I want a saber with a color (shade?) scheme like what nightmare Zero has in MMX6




a little dimmer, like grey, in the center hue that is usually white. with black as an outer hue or at least a deep grey.


Update: Looks like I managed to figure it out. I pulled this one off by using a copy of J'ando's white lightsaber color file and tweaked it. In fact I have made an assortment of (I think) interesting colors. If only I knew how to upload and do something at PC gamemods I'd put them there. OR maybe I can put them here? Though I seriously doubtanyone wants them here sincethe instructions are already present--I just didn't look long enough.



(This one is still up for grabs because I have not figured it out yet)


The whole trippy plasma fire cone effect ; I'd certainly bow before whoever pulled THAT one off.




(I've not figured this one out yet:)


I also tried tweaking existing files to make another interesting color scheme but none of the programs I have ever seen will do this--it would be very technically difficult to pull off perfectly, I got close with like photoshop once in a graphics class on something else:

Royal Blue for the outer hue and pure yellow like this face " :twogun: " inner hue. NOT GREEN. The closest I got was like a teal green color looking more yellow inside and more blue outside, but not quite the dramatic effect I was looking for. Maverick was close with his green inside blue hue schemed color file for his curved hilts.



(I figured this one out:)


Or Vivid Yellow inside Vivid Green outside. Like real Zero's Z saber

Aother effect is if the sabers were semi-transparent but still there. The best example I could give is Zero's Z saber on MegaMan X7--many pics online you'll see won't be at an angle enough for you to notice transparency--but Iff you ever have played it, I gaurantee that you would see its beam blade is somewhat transparent in addition to being vividly colored.


(The rest will fill a seperate request.)


Anyway, thanks a lot.

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