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Recruit Darth Sion Request


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I was thinking one day, "Man I hate Kreia so much. I wish Kreia and Sion could switch places and make Kreia turn around and stab the exile in the back, so to speak, and make Sion say something like, "Exile she is deciving you! She is the evil Darth Traya!" Then instead of having his lightsaber red it could be green or something, maybe even black, if someone would make that crystal. Then have her look like she does when she is telling about her past as a jedi. After you get on the Ebon Hawk and kill all of the Sith Troopers Sion would be aboard and start telling you Kreia's history and such. And when you get to Korriban Sion won't go with because he knows she is there and you just completely switch Kreia and Sion around. Am I making any sence? But when you get to Dantooine for the second time Kreia comes and takes Sion and turns him to the dark side. The fight with Sion before you fight Kreia would be different because you're trying to make Sion come back to the lightside and join you to defeat Kreia for a last time. Is this making any sence? Sorry if I confused some people :waive1:

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I was thinking about replacing G0-T0 with Sion, and then replacing the NPC Sion with Atris (if you've finished the game or understand cut content, you'll know why i chose her). I won't be doing anything such to those ends until i return properly at some time next month. If you haven't had any luck then, I'll be glad to assist.


Welcome to the forums, btw.

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